Post Apocalyptic Title Sequence Analysis

Knowing - Film

The title sequence for the Knowing is extremely clever. The 'I' has been changed to a '1' to reflect the film being built around numbers, and dates; for example the girl predicting when each event in history is going to happen. Furthermore the moon image being used in place of an 'O' could be connoting the film title of 'knowing' as everyone knows what a moon looks like so it's trying to show we could easily be in the same situation as them? Yet also on the other end of the spectrum the red colour is only covering a small portion of the screen, perhaps this is representing only the girl 'knowing' of the events at that period of time, yet the moon backs up that we shall all know soon?

Short summary in case of confusion: The moon's being used as us knowing the situation, whilst being inside the 'unknown' black background. Basically saying we're all going to face the wrath of the girls predictions soon.

Resident Evil: Apocalypse - Film

Extremely dramatic the Resident Evil: Apocalypse titles are short, sharp and shot with precision - literally. Each time a title needs to change a bullet is fired through the title making shards fly off to various segments of the screen; an effective image showing mass destruction ( the vocal point of the plot.) Yet the final title in the sequence (shown above) is effectively over-encumbered by a blue flame. The image is sinister as blue is considered a somewhat relaxing colour yet it's being juxtaposed with the brutality of the flame effect.

2012 - Movie

Pictures often paint a thousand words, but in this case it's 2012. Yes whilst the image is simple the message is huge and complex. Big bold writing is obviously being used to represent the situation as a whole and with the colours being blue meaning halcyon, and white meaning purity perhaps it's showing this relaxed and simple life we're leading at the moment? Yet with the use of a black background meaning the 'unknown' it shows that although we know something is going to happen (in 2012) we don't quite know the full 'story' - the reason why the directer wants us to watch this movie.

Overall as you can see from my analysis, many of the films within our genre seem to have their titles centred around the 'unknown' meaning we have to watch their movie to find out more.

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