Death3 Synoptic Treatment

Death3 takes advantage of the current public outcry for films based around the Mayan Calendar which predicts a 2012 disaster and whether it could in fact lead to a post apocalyptic situation, and with TV series’ such as Jericho receiving an unprecedented amount of success due to it’s nuclear warfare’ theme; Death3 takes the fundamental elements of dramas like Jericho to create a truly compelling and harrowing account of post-apocalyptic life.

Many post apocalyptic films often focus on the effect nuclear warfare has on the world as a whole. Yet we’re going to break this mould by focusing on one key area; a secondary school and by doing this we believe the effect on the audience will be much greater due to Death3 being aimed at the teenage to mid twenties age bracket.

The film itself will follow three secondary school pupils as they find out their class were for some unknown reason not told the facility was being locked down. Gradually as time wears on, the group begins to realise that they’re slowly being poisoned from the inside via the harmful toxic smog produced by the nuclear warfare, and the only medicine cure available contains adequate antidote for just one of them.

Throughout the last hour of the movie will be a real time clock which incorporates Aristrotle’s unities, we believe this is vital in showing the urgency that the group of students face, and how quickly a situation can become dire, and somewhat hopeless.

The text throughout the title sequences would have a ‘flashing’ grunge effect on a black background, this creates the feeling of a ‘signal breaking up’ trying to portray that the group have now broke up from the rest of society.

Of course, what would this film be without a back-story? It’s all centered on a global resource race, mainly focusing on the United States coming under a barrage of nuclear terrorist attacks wiping them into an apocalypse with very limited resources and a minuscule amount of the population still alive.

The group make a mutual agreement that none of them shall take the antidote, and if they must then they shall all die together, but around the mid-point of the final hour it all beings to change, greed starts to set in causing the trio to use cunning tactics on each other to try and be the ‘last man standing’.

The trio all end up dead, yet in a terrible twist of fate we see the antidote tipped sideways, revealing a note at the bottom that tells the trio in a nearby location is medicine with an adequate amount of antidote for all three of them. This then portrays the moral that if they were not so greedy and worked together as a team then they would have figured the situation out and all still be alive, to try and rebuild the broken down society that the shattered world has been left in.

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