The Post Apocaliptic Genre Conventions

The genre of Post Apocalyptic is sterling in the way it can use an unlimited amount of scenarios and apply them to create a tense and dramatic atmosphere. Writers and directors love how diverse that the depths of the genre actually are. The film can be done on any sort of budget; from hand-held cameras showing direct fear to big screen cameras using awe-inspiring effect. Prompting people of all ages to expand into this vastly-growing genre.

Typically within the Post-Apocalyptic Genre we have the feeling of alienation and desolation, due to obvious reasons. But the feeling of greed and deception often crops up countless amounts of times, as a group or person gets more and more desperate. We see this for example with Resident Evil 3 when after a post-apocalyptic disaster, a family become so desperate they have to turn to cannibalism. Evidently this shows that the Post-Apocalyptic Genre doesn't hold back from exposing the harsh-realities that many people would be faced with, if they were put in this situation.

Recently the genre has been expanded to cater for a younger age range. With games such as Fallout 3 giving an harrowing account of what a Post Apocalyptic world would be like; many people from teens up to late 20's are being drawn into the genres vast depths due to it's diverse and gripping nature.

Yet we can't forget how the genre of Post-Apocalyptic works, people within the movies are often faced with a variety of different scenarios, such as:

  • Someone who 'sells out' everyone else; often thought of as the 'idiot' character.
  • Post-Apocalyptic movies can often have a joke in them, while still hidden behind a veil of seriousness.
  • Fear has to be easy for the audience to distinguish, the main characters need to act out their fear well.
  • One character needs to be slightly different from the rest; perhaps a more emotional attachment to an event/person.
  • Other then the character who's that 'ever so slightly' different, we often have someone who tries to keep the situation calm, and under control.
All of the above are common themes that you can pick out from movies, so when creating our own Post-Apocalyptic film, we will consider each one of those points, and see whether we can apply them to our own.

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